Ba Zi

Oriental Astrology

Catch your luck!

Ba Zi is a part of Chinese Metaphysics, a method that allows you to build a person's “energy map”, based on the date of birth.

Chinese Metaphysics explores the initial sources of energy, allows you to understand their power, unravel a person's karmic programs and unlock the potential embedded in a person to guide his or her destiny.


The app is designed to show the best energies of the day, month and year. It will help warn you about danger, estimate the possibility of buying real estate or improving your personal life. You have it all in your hands!

What is Your Superpower

In this section you can learn about the talents given to you at birth, understand possible areas for realizing your potential and increasing your income.

Learn Your Body Secrets

You can get to know the weakest link of your body: which system in your body is under threat and which organ is weak, by means of the individual Ba Zi chart.
By working on your mental health, you can prevent the external manifestations of imbalance and reduce the risks of disease to a minimum.

Build Your House of Love

Here you will learn what relationships you are attracted to, their strengths and their growth areas. You will understand what your partner wants and get tips for creating a harmonious relationship.

About the Author

Snezhana Yurkina

Ideological inspirer and expert on Oriental Metaphysics.

She was trained in the capital of Feng Shui –Hong Kong by the world-famous masters of Oriental Metaphysics: Raymond Lo and Suzanne Schutz – follower of Joey Yap. Every year she improves her skills under the guidance of the leading Russian experts. In seven years, she has conducted more than 1,500 consultations.

Snezhana Yurkina

Ilona Kotelukh

Renowned traveler and journalist at “Prime Traveller” magazine.

Ilona explores the world not only through travel, but she is also interested in its structure “from within” through metaphysics and esoterics. The Oriental Astrology has helped her balance her emotional state, cope with aerophobia, and get rid of factors that provoke unnecessary stress. Ilona was happy to support the project and made a significant contribution to it.

Ilona Kotelukh

Due to her sincere desire to spread knowledge and help people change their lives, the project is growing and will continue to grow.